1·Should better go to look up, is east the week village government affairs center 1 building.
2·In addition to the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.
3·In 1979 the Israeli government officially authorized Shiloh's status as a recognized village.
4·According to social exchange theory, as college student village officer employed by the government, the job performance should be affected more by the support from organizations.
5·The government is furnishing the victims of the village with supplies.
正在给村里的灾民 提供生活用品。
6·Overlapping and overstaffed agencies in village and town government is one of the primary reasons lead to heavy burden of peasants.
7·As news report, Chongqing city hopes to hire 10,000 college graduates as village managers, with the promise that they may later be transferred as government employees.